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May 1st, 2013

Ladies and gentlemen, 

As commissioner of the Mid Atlantic Wrestling Alliance, part of my job is to maintain order, ensure rules are enforced and certify that proper procedures and regulations are followed throughout the M.A.W.A., both in and out of the ring. When athletes are contracted for competition and do not follow acceded protocol, it falls upon me to implement appropriate penalties, ofttimes financial, up to and including termination.

Because such heavy responsibilities rest on the shoulders of the commissioner, it is of utmost importance that the individual who holds that office be a person of outstanding reputation, displaying high moral fiber, unflappable resolve and interminable restraint. Sadly, as events unfolded at Mawapalooza II during the official unveiling of our newly redesigned Heavyweight Championship title belt, I failed to demonstrate any of those defining characteristics. When circumstances began to deteriorate, instead of maintaining composure and controlling the situation, I reacted with impulse and emotion. I intervened in a proceeding contest which diametrically influenced its outcome, essentially spoiling the main event planned for the card.


As Mr. Havok’s legal representation, Mr. David Gumaer, Esq., pointed out later in the evening, according to the M.A.W.A.’s own official regulations and rulebook, no official may directly physically interfere in any sanctioned bout in a manner which may result in altering its direction. As such, I had no choice but to issue an immediate rematch. It is impossible to say how events might have unfolded if I did not engage in a physically confrontation with Mr. Havok, but the consequences of my actions on Saturday night are painfully obvious and they cannot be changed. For that, I am truly sorry. 

I conducted myself in an embarrassing and unprofessional manner. My behavior was inexcusable and unbecoming as an official of the Mid Atlantic Wrestling Alliance. I wish to apologize to Mr. Havok, Mr. Gumaer, Mr. Volk, Mr. House, and the M.A.W.A. Board of Directors. Above all, I sincerely apologize to our great fans for the impact of my mistake on the M.A.W.A. I nearly robbed everyone of what turned out to be a truly remarkable main event. I am disappointed in myself for putting everyone in this situation. I look forward to putting this behind me and improving as a commissioner and, more importantly, as a person.

Rest assured, I have already met with will the M.A.W.A. Board of Directors to initiate disciplinary actions which, as of yet, have not be determined. I’m positive, at the very least, fines will levied. After all, sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, as they say. I am fully accountable for my poor decision and will not appeal any ruling handed down. 

I am not seeking sympathy. I am not asking for leniency. I am, however, asking forgiveness. 


Respectfully Submitted,
Drew Templar
Commissioner, Mid Atlantic Wrestling Alliance 




Image courtesy of Mary Kathryn Photography (

© 2016 Mid-Atlantic Wrestling Alliance

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